Yoga – what’s it all about?
There are many styles of yoga. I teach hatha yoga with a bias towards the Iyengar style. The Iyengar style is focused on correct alignment of the body. Hence expect to use props such as foam blocks, bricks and belts. These props make postures more attainable by lengthening the arms (using for example the belt) or indeed bringing the floor up to meet the body (using the blocks). In this way those of us with tight hamstrings can still achieve a relaxing forward bend (uttanasana) in the same class as someone blessed with more flexibility.
Sometimes I use props to bring focus to an action of the muscles in order to learn that action and start to build a mind body connection.
The aim is to learn the postures correctly and understand what each part of your body is doing in each pose for example an inward rotation of the thighs in Tadasana (mountain pose) or an external rotation of the upper arm in Adho Mukha Svanasana (downward facing dog pose).
After much practice you will have an internal mantra of actions that you can run through for each pose to bring correct alignment and you will be able to flow from one pose to another without compromising joint stability.
We start the class and end each class with a short relaxation to bring focus to our practice.
I talk (a lot) through the class and give Sanskrit names and common names for the poses as well as lots of instructions…..
Yoga – The Benefits
Regular practice of yoga brings many benefits including maintaining bone density, better flexibility, improved joint stability, improved flexibility and strength. The lymphatic, immune, endocrine systems and organs get a gentle work out too helping to maintain health. You will also learn to relax your mind and achieve deep relaxation at the end of class – (see blog article dated 20th July 19) which I hope you can carry over into the everyday to counter the hectic nature of modern life.
Yoga is an excellent addition to any sporting schedule from athletics to triathlon and everything in-between as it brings flexibility, balance and strength that help to reduce injury potential and enhance performance. In short: yoga is good for everyone and it is never too late in life to start!

Yoga – What to wear and bring
Wear comfortable clothing with some stretch that allows you to move your joints through their full range of motion. Ideal are workout leggings/mens jogging tights or shorts and a t-shirt or workout camisole. Ideally I like shoulders and knees to be visible as you will constantly hear me refer to the musculature of these key joints and I will see you respond (hopefully!) as you learn the correct technique.
Yoga is best done bare foot. There are grippy style yoga socks that can be bought online for yoga/pilates which are acceptable but regular socks are not recommended as you will slip inside your socks in some poses.
Bring a water bottle and a warmer layer and socks to put on for relaxation at the end of class.
I provide mats, blocks, bricks and a belt, but by all means bring your own mat and props if you like. I encourage participants to buy their own equipment for use at home as yoga should ideally be practiced daily – or at least a couple of times a week!!! Please contact me if you would like to buy the same equipment we use in class as I am able to provide it a discount.
How much is it?
Group sessions – max 6 per class: £15 each bookable in termly blocks (normally 6-12 weeks per block depending on term dates)
Missed sessions can be caught up during the term at one of the other sessions by arrangement.
One-2-One session £68
Buddy sessions: 2 per class £48 each, 3 per class £28 each